Press Coverage2021-05-20T15:31:09-07:00

February 2023

October 2022

September 2022

May 2022

Serial Sexual Assaulter Caught

News was abuzz in the SERI lab when results came back showing the perpetrator was indeed connected to the multiple sexual assault cases mentioned in this story. Read about it here.

March 2022

February 2022

December 2021

DNA Analysis 101

At trial, senior Forensic DNA Analyst, Angela Butler, breaks down the process of how to discern the likelihood ratios of people's DNA on evidence. Read about it in her testimony here.

August 2021

July 2021

Rapist’s DNA Does Not Lie

SERI analyst, Erin Laurie, took the stand and testified to her findings of the evidence in this 2019 case. Read about the case here.

June 2021

Berkeley PD charges suspect with attempted rape

Berkeley police department charges suspect with attempted rape after he broke into the victim's apartment and tried to sexually assault her in bed. SERI's Chief Forensic DNA Analyst performed DNA analysis which contributed to the [...]