Press Coverage2021-05-20T15:31:09-07:00

October 2004

October 2003

May 2003

March 2002

The Exoneration of Alejandro Dominguez

"In 2001, Lake County Circuit Court Judge Raymond McKoski granted a motion for DNA testing — at Dominguez's expense. And in March 2002, the results of the testing by the Serological Research Institute in Richmond, [...]

January 2001

June 2000

May 2000

June 1999

February 1998

August 1996

January 1996

The Exoneration of Ray Krone

During Ray Krone's second trial, SERI provided exculpatory DNA evidence that was heard, but ultimately ignored, by the jury who convicted Krone a second time. Additional DNA evidence contributed to Krone's exoneration in 2002. Read [...]

August 1995